TEam Science education for Post-Docs
Are you interested in delivering team science training to your post-doctoral researchers to prepare them for leading high-impact collaborative science teams?
Over the past decade, I have delivered workshops to dozens of postdocs and early-career researchers at Ohio State, Columbia, Stanford, the University of Wisconsin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UTSW, Boston University, and to the Big Ten Academic Alliance Professorial Advancement Initiative (PAI) Program, among others.
I would love to bring this program to your campus.
Interested in learning what The Team Science Lab can do for your postdoc community? Contact me for more information!
Post-Doctoral Scholars Team Science Education
The Team Science Lab offers training (1-hour, 3-hour, and 8-hour workshops; virtually or in-person) for your postdocs and early-career researchers. Drawing from the field of the Science of Team Science, I teach the practical skills and strategies they need for interdisciplinary collaboration. As an NIH-funded researcher, I have a deep understanding of the challenges new investigators face in building their collaborative skill set.
This training is designed so participants will be able to implement the skills in their collaborative work now, as postdocs, and also into the future as research leaders to help them thrive in academic research environments.
Key topics include:
Creating a mission and vision for your research program
Building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive team
Developing your own leadership style
Being an effective collaborator
Team Science Training for Post-Doctoral Scholars
1-hour Seminar
This 1-hour seminar will give participants practices and strategies they can adapt and integrate into their work now and into the future.
By the end of the session, participants will be able to define key terms of team science, explain the opportunities and challenges of team science and how leaders can respond to them, and understand how Collaboration Planning can help your team build effective team processes
3-hour Workshop
As more research is being done in teams, scientists need tools and strategies for collaborating with researchers across disciplines, labs, and institutions. This 3-hour workshop will focus on preparing you to both participate in and lead interdisciplinary research teams.
The workshop will be a mix of short didactic and interactive sections, with the goal of increasing your knowledge of and comfort with engaging in interdisciplinary research and team science.
8-hour Workshop
This 8-hour session is a comprehensive training that explores the topics of team science in greater depth.
In addition to the topics covered in the 3-hour workshop, this training also includes the fundamentals of creating psychological safety on your team, project management in collaborative sciences, and strategies for writing collaborative grants.